Eton College
Eton College, Berkshire
Eton College
40 tonnes of HortLoam and 20 tonnes of Landscape20 general purpose topsoil
This world-renowned independent boarding school in Berkshire was founded by Henry VI in 1440 for 70 King’s Scholars. The central purpose of Eton College is to deliver the highest possible standard of education to approximately 1,300 boys aged 13-18, all of whom board at the school.
Scope of work
The Grounds Department, led by Head Gardener Michael Long who has been with the College for over 30 years, comprises 22 groundsmen, gardeners and estate workers who maintain and manage over 400 acres of land, ranging from prestige sports surfaces and historic gardens to general landscaped areas and wildflower meadows.
Michael has long been an advocate of British Sugar TOPSOIL products and in September 2018 ordered in 40 tonnes of HortLoam premier planting topsoil to top up shrub beds adjacent to some of the College’s all-weather hockey pitches.
HortLoam is a blend of BS3882:2015 certified topsoil with coarse sand and additional reserves of organic matter in the form of BSI PAS 100 & CQP compliant ‘green’ compost. This gives it a more open and free-draining structure and provides additional nutrients for establishing young plants and encouraging healthy root growth.
20 tonnes of Landscape20 general purpose topsoil was used to level off an area in front of one of the 25 boarding houses, ready for turfing. Landscape20 is an excellent general purpose, BS3882:2015 certified topsoil that is ideal for building up degraded and diminished areas ready for seeding or turfing.
Both products are independently tested and analysed, making them safe for use in all landscape environments, and particularly where ‘sensitive receptors’, i.e. children, animals etc., may come into direct contact with the soil.
Customer's feedback
Head Gardener Michael Long commented:
“I and the team at Eton College like working with TOPSOIL’s products because of the consistent high standard and quality of the materials.”